Master the skills of inner agility and AI at work.

Be among the first 100 to subscribe and receive a 25% discount on the Inner Agility Masterclass.

What does it mean to be agile?

The term “agile” originates from the Latin word "agere" which means to "drive, act, do”. From there, it further evolved to the Latin word "agilis”, which means to be “nimble, fleet, quick.” Today, we equate being agile to “acting quickly in the face of change.”

When most people think about being agile, they think about process agility and about approaches such as, Scrum, Kanban, or SAFe®. Process agility came about in the late 1990s and early 2000s because software development got increasingly more complex and the existing ways of working were inefficient in meeting that challenge. Unfortunately, the challenge we face today with the increased cognification of technology in the workplace cannot be solved with process agility. For that we need a different kind of agility. For that we need inner agility.

What is inner agility and why does it matter?

Developing a growth mindset

As we stand on the doorstep of AI playing an increasingly larger role at work, we need to develop a growth mindset in order to quickly learn the new skills required to stay relevant at work.

People with a growth mindset embody the belief that "we can change and learn new skills". They are comfortable experimenting, trying new things, and generally pushing the boundaries of their comfort zone.

Responding emotionally intelligent

In the midst of the change, we also need to respond intelligently to our emotions

When we respond intelligently to our emotions, we are more self-aware and able to better regulate what is going on inside of us. We are also able to help our team get past conflicts and setbacks because we can read the room and be the pillar of strength that your team members gather around during hardship.

Being resilient in the face of change

Lastly, being resilient allows us to bounce back quicker and stronger from the hardship and setbacks we encounter.

Resilient people cultivate and nurture their relationships with themselves by growing more confident and optimistic. They cultivate their relationships with people around them by becoming more appreciative and helpful. And they nurture the relationship with their environment by developing a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

What is the Inner Agility Masterclass?

The Inner Agility Masterclass is developed by Klaus Boedker. A seasoned agile coach and trainer with 13 years of experience guiding organizational transformation, helping teams and individuals improve, and designing training that more than a quarter of a million people have taken globally.

He developed the Inner Agility Masterclass to help people future proof their careers by being better equipped to navigate the turbulent changes that AI is introducing at work for millions of people around the globe.

The result is a modern, blended learning experience that combines high-quality on-demand, online video recordings while also engaging you in hands-on problem solving activities. To strengthen your learning, the masterclass includes one hour of personalized performance coaching and the opportunity to continue to learn in the inner agility community of practice.

We are excited to announce that the Inner Agility Masterclass launches in June 2024 for the low price of $495. This includes:

  • 16 hours of continued education that you can use towards your PMP or CSM

  • A lifetime access to the course material

  • High quality online, on-demand video recordings that you can complete when it fits your schedule

  • 60 minutes of personalized performance coaching

  • Interactive and engaging problem solving activities using the online, virtual whiteboard Miro

  • And a lifetime access to our inner agility community of practice where you can continue to learn from your peers.

What does the Masterclass consist of?

  • 1.1 The science of improving

    1.2 Proven approaches to improving

    1.3 What to avoid when improving

    1.4 Setting up your improvement structure and building a habit of improving

  • 2.1 What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

    2.2 How AI is taking over the workplace

    2.3 How to use AI

    2.4 How to integrate AI into your work

    2.5 How to use AI to grow your inner agility

  • 3.1 Challenges: switching from pushing away challenges to welcoming them.

    3.2. Feedback: switching from avoiding and dreading feedback to actively seeking it out.

    3.3 Process and results: switching from solely focusing on the results to also enjoying the process leading to the results.

    3.4 Success: switching from a scarcity view of the successes of yourself and others to a plentiful perspective.

    3.5 Mistakes and failure: switching from hiding mistakes to embracing and learning from them.

    3.6 Comfort zone: learning how to get more comfortable with getting outside your comfort zone.

    3.7 First individual coaching session: following up on what you learned about developing a growth mindset.

  • 4.1 Self-awareness: become more aware of the connection between your inner and outer world.

    4.2 Self-management: learn to better manage and regulate your emotional responses.

    4.3 Social awareness: grow your ability to read the room.

    4.4 Social management: become the pillar of strength and calm in your team.

    4.5 Second individual coaching session: following up on what you have learned about emotional intelligence and continuing to build your personal improvement structure.

  • 5.1 Relationship to self: building confidence, and optimism and positivity.

    5.2 Relationship to others: becoming more appreciative, helpful, and a better team player.

    5.3 Relationship to environment: learning to plan, prepare and respond to what may come our way.

    5.4 Third individual coaching session: following up on what you learned about increasing your resilience and reviewing the progress in your personal improvement structure.

We can all grow our inner agility and learn to use AI at work